Sunday, May 3, 2009

This poem hit home

While reading through ploughshares I came across this poem tonight that really struck a nerve.

His Voice Had Grown Softer Each Day
Kevin Goodan

I need you to get me a ticket, he said.
For what, I asked, waking at the foot of his bed.
For the train, he said. They say I need a ticket.
Except for the small lamp the room was dark.
The air was cool and clear. The first night of september.
Do you know who they are, I asked
and he said , Oh yes. They are smiling and waving-
I havent seen them in so long.
They want me to climb onboard...I need my ticket.
I want to give you a ticket, I said.

This poem really frames death in such a light for me. I feel like I can relate to the speaker so much. I feel like at some point in our lives we come in contact with a person who is about to die, and wish we could help them on their passage to a better place. I like this poem because it doesnt seem like their is alot to it but underneath it addresses so many things that have to do with death