Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Imitation Blog 2.17

Jack Gilbert's Going There-

Of course it was a disaster.
That unbearable, dearest secret
has always been a disaster.
The danger when we try to leave.
Going over and over afterward
what we should have done
instead of what we did.
But for those short times
we seemed to be alive. Misled,
misused, lied to and cheated,
certainly. Still, for that
little while, we visited
our possible life.

I thought that this poem, "going there" by jack gilbert was one of his better, more connecting poems. It was kind of hard to imitate something like this for a few reasons. I didn't know if i could be imitating the theme or how the text/ form of the poem went. What I did was just go with similar text/form. My theme was somewhat different. I thought it was difficult because i liked this poem so much that i didn't wan to really change it - so imitating it was rough for me.

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