Tuesday, February 24, 2009

TCR : The capilano review

This poetry journal is more than just a book of poems, it has songs and what seem to be more stories than what some would consider "poems." One poem that caught my eye was on page 48:

Spoken Litany


I wont have to work no more
I wont have to walk any more
I wont have to cry no more
I wont have to talk
I've been running a long time
I've been waiting a long time
I've been living a long time
I've been moving a long time
I gave my last chance to you

This poem really caught my attention. To me it seems that the narrator place trust or some sort of weight on someone and they were let down. That they don't what to have to deal with what happened.
Looking through the journal I saw a vast difference in how some pieces were put together. How some were short lined while others were somewhat paragraph style. There were even some as short as three lines. It just showed me that a poem can be what ever you want it to be, not just a "typical poem" what ever that may be.

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