Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Can Finally Blog (and you can to for just 5 easy payments....) Seriously though here's how.

I was asked to post how I finally got on the blog. If you created a gmail account AFTER you were invited to the blog you need to ask LG to re-add you as an admin. Then in your gmail the invitiation will be there.
Also to celebrate finally getting on here after many angry hours trying to figure it out I'll try to get into the blogging spirit by putting up one of my favorite poems. It is by Kurt Vonnegut who has my vote for the greatest American writer. If you're looking for mind blowing novels check out Slaughterhouse Five, Cat's Cradle, and The Sirens of Titan. Somewhat ironically this poem is the ending to the last book he wrote before dying. Anyway here it is:


The crucified planet Earth,
should it find a voice
and a sense of irony,
might now well say
of our abuse of it,
"Forgive them, Father,
They know not what they do."

The irony would be
that we know what
we are doing.

When the last living thing
has died on account of us,
how poetical it would be
if Earth could say,
in a voice floating up
from the floor
of the Grand Canyon,
"It is done."
People did not like it here.


  1. Your post reminded me of the terrible crime I've committed of not having read any of Vonnegut's novels yet. As soon as I'm done with the monster novel I'm reading now I'm picking up one of his.
    I'm also glad you posted this poem. It's great how he keeps the crucifixion theme throughout using the quotes while it's about human's destruction of the planet. The middle stanza struck me the most and left me with a sense of guilt, which is what I hope he was getting at. I think it would be hard to read this poem and not really think about what Vonnegut was saying.
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. This post also reminded me that I have yet to get around to reading any Vonnegut..even though you tell me to everyday. I plan on beginning Slaughterhouse Five over Spring Break and I sincerely hope you haven't overhyped it- but I doubt you did.
